Snow Prebiotic Fibres: for gut health

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GoodMills Innovation introduces a multi-fibre complex that delivers the best baking, sensory and nutritional benefits

With Snow Prebiotic Fibres, GoodMills Innovation launches a unique combination of seven different dietary fibres for use in bread, rolls, sandwiches and more. In addition to their microbial benefits, they also allow for the creation of products with great taste, appearance and bite.

Snow Prebiotic Fibres promise light-coloured, high-fibre baked goods with a mild taste and without any sensory loss. They have a beneficial effect on the microbiome thanks to a sophisticated combination of specific dietary fibres.

A high fibre content is usually noticeable in the taste, mouthfeel and bite of baked goods. This is obviously a challenge for manufacturers, as consumers – who are currently showing huge interest in such foods to improve gut health – will only buy what tastes good.

That’s why GoodMills Innovation has successfully created a blend of health, taste and processing benefits in a multi-fibre complex. The resulting combination of seven different fibre sources works synergistically to provide sensory and nutritional benefits.

“By finely balancing acacia fibre, fermented wheat bran, oat fibre, pea fibre, chicory root fibre, citrus fibre and rye bran, we were not only able to eliminate undesirable off-flavours such as bitter or astringent notes, but also achieve a pleasantly short bite in baked goods,“ said Max Weber, Category Manager Baking and Snacks at GoodMills Innovation. “The combination of different fibres also promises a broader spectrum of effects on the development of healthy gut flora.”

Snow Prebiotic Fibres can be processed without any major adjustments or investments, as they are used in a 1:1 ratio with wheat flour. The processing is very similar to recipes without added fibre and the rheological properties of the dough remain unchanged. This easy integration into existing recipes makes it an ideal inclusion for efficient product development.

 Different micro-organisms in the gut use different types of fibre to produce energy. The fibre sources in Snow Prebiotic Fibres promote a rich diversity of bacterial strains, thus contributing to the stability of the microbiome and improving its ability to regulate immune function. A balanced intake of various types of fibre is key to a healthy digestive system and robust microbiome.

Western diets and busy lifestyles make it difficult for consumers to get the recommended 25-30g of fibre a day. In order to plug this so-called fibre gap, Snow Prebiotic Fibres offer manufacturers the opportunity to capitalise on the growing demand for fibre-rich convenience bakery products. In terms of content, cereals and fibre are already strongly linked in consumers’ minds – and the prebiotic effect is well known: 43% of consumers[1] worldwide say they associate prebiotic foods with gut health.

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