Drinkwell - Biodegradable Bottle

DrinkWell Launches UK’s First Fully Biodegradable Disposable Water Bottle

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The eco-friendly bottle is made entirely from polylactic acid (PLA), a plant-based compound derived from corn starch, with the label being printed using vegetable ink.

This innovative use of technology means that the bottle will biodegrade within three to six months if placed within home or commercial composting.

As composting isn’t always a readily available option to all, the bottle has been designed to ensure that it can also be incinerated without releasing any toxins into the atmosphere, taking a huge step forwards in the fight against harmful single-use plastic, and their effect on the planet.

From a production standpoint, the water bottles are also more eco-efficient than any traditional plastic counterparts.

A single pack requires 50% less fossil fuel for production when compared to PET plastic bottles, as well as producing 60% fewer carbon emissions, with the water itself being sustainably sourced from a natural spring in Hereford, United Kingdom.

Best known for its lower calorie alcoholic beverage offering, this is DrinkWell’s first forage into the soft drink market, but it’s something that the retailer’s team feel extremely passionate about.

The retailer will be teaming up with a range of gyms and leisure facilities as an initial starting point, whilst also offering the products at wholesale price directly to the on-trade, off-trade and cash & carry market.

DrinkWell’s founder and managing director Tom Bell says, “We’re really proud to be able to bring something to the consumer market that’s completely innovative and hasn’t been seen before.

“We understand that not everyone is able to carry and store a refillable water bottle. We hope that this eco-friendly alternative will replace traditional single use PET water bottles and will make a real difference in reducing the single use plastic issue that we’re working together to tackle.”

Though this may be one of the retailer’s first innovative product launches, it certainly won’t be the last, with various exciting launches planned throughout the coming months.

The water has officially launched online at DrinkWell and is currently retailing at £1.79-£1.99 per 500ml with full cases of 24 bottles available at a discounted price.